

With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, Y volunteers give men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life the resources and support they need to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. Below you will find a list of volunteer opportunities that are typically available. If you find one of interest, complete the application form by clicking the button below.

Volunteer Opportunities Available

  • Youth Sports Coach: Do you have a passion for sports and a desire to help young people learn them? Encourage, guide and train young athletes at the Y. We rely on volunteers to coach sports leagues throughout the year in programs such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, and swimming.
  • Swim Lesson Aides: Assist certified instructors in teaching the life skill of swimming. Visit with our Aquatics Director for more information.
  • Child Watch: Visit with our Business Desk Manager about helping in our Child Watch area. We provide this service to our members while they are taking a class or working out.
  • Housekeeping: Love to clean? We can find a way for you to get your cleaning fix AND help out the Y! Talk to our Building and Grounds Director for details.